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Getting started...again.

So, here I am again, starting a new weight loss program. What can I do to make this a meaningful journey to better health. One thing that I learned on my last journey was that this is a “change in lifestyle.” I refuse to think of this as a diet. This is not temporary, it is a permanent change in the way that I eat and how I think about food. I learned that this process requires time to allow my mind to adjust to where my body is going. Most importantly, I learned that I do not have to be “perfect” on this journey. If I consume more calories than I need, whether by plan or by mistake, I need to get back on my routine. I don’t need to “overcompensate” by starving myself, I need to go back to the reduced plan that I have been following.

Starting on this journey I have some rules that I will follow. The most important rule is this: I must make myself a priority in this weight loss effort. I must put other items on the back burner for the next few months until my food plan becomes second nature. Work can wait, my family can eat what I eat for a few months. I have to be selfish, something that is difficult for me to do, but something that I must do for myself.

Next time…rule number 2!

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About My Journey to Better Health

Hey!  I’m Cynthia and thanks for joining me on my weight loss journey towards better health!  Like many others, I have been on this journey before, but each time I get better and go further.  When I slip and somehow end up back where I started, I feel a sense of regret.  It takes a lot to attempt weight loss and to regain the weight happens to 95% of us.  So I thought that this time, I’d make you my partners and my witnesses as we journey together towards better health – the skinnythick way!

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